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Tax Knowledge
Tax Knowledge
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Tax Knowledge
Everything about tax!
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (9)
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (8)
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (7)
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (6)
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (5)
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (4)
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (3)
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (2)
Tax Issues for Lessors and Lessees (1)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (28)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (27)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (26)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (25)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (24)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (23)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (22)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (21)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (20)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (19)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (18)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (17)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (16)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (15)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (14)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (13)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (12)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (11)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (10)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (9)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (8)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (7)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (6)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (5)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (4)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (3)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (2)
CGT and GST for Property Buyers (1)
Rental Properties (12)
Rental Properties (11)
Rental Properties (10)
Rental Properties (9)
Rental Properties (8)
Rental Properties (7)
Rental Properties (6)
Rental Properties (5)
Rental Properties (4)
Rental Properties (3)
Rental Properties (2)
Rental Properties (1)
Non-Arm's Length Income -NALI (11)
Non-Arm's Length Income -NALI (10)
Non-Arm's Length Income -NALI (9)
Non-Arm's Length Income -NALI (8)
Non-Arm's Length Income -NALI (7)
Non-Arms Length Income - NALI (2)
Non-Arms Length Income - NALI (3)
Non-Arms Length Income - NALI (4)
Non-Arms Length Income - NALI (5)
Non-Arms Length Income - NALI (6)
Non-Arms Length Income - NALI (1)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (20)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (19)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (18)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (17)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (16)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (15)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (14)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (13)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (12)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (11)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (10)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (9)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (8)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (7)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (6)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (5)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (4)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (3)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (2)
Self-Managed Superannuation Fund -SMSF (1)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (12)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (11)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (10)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (9)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (8)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (7)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (6)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (5)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (4)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (3)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (2)
Claiming foreign income tax offsets (1)
Deceased estates and estate beneficiaries (3)
Deceased estates and estate beneficiaries (2)
Deceased estates and estate beneficiaries (1)
Recent tax amendments on CGT (8)
Recent tax amendments on CGT (7)
Recent tax amendments on CGT (6)
Recent tax amendments on CGT (5)
Recent tax amendments on CGT (4)
Recent tax amendments on CGT (3)
Recent tax amendments on CGT (2)
Recent tax amendments on CGT (1)
Special disability trusts and their beneficiaries
CGT Roll-over tax scheme (7)
CGT Roll-over tax scheme (6)
CGT Roll-over tax scheme (5)
CGT Roll-over tax scheme (4)
CGT Roll-over tax scheme (3)
CGT Roll-over tax scheme (2)
CGT Roll-over tax scheme (1)
Testamentary Trust (5)
Testamentary Trust (4)
Testamentary Trust (3)
Testamentary Trust (2)
Testamentary Trust (1)
Trust Distributions (6)
Trust Distributions (5)
Trust Distributions (4)
Trust Distributions (3)
Trust Distributions (2)
Trust Distributions (1)
Beneficiaries to loss trusts to access concessions (2)
Beneficiaries to loss trusts to access concessions (1)
Contingent trust resolutions (1)
Contingent trust resolutions (2)
Trust deed of the Simms Discretionary Trust
Dalby's case on timely trust resolutions (7)
Dalby's case on timely trust resolutions (6)
Dalby's case on timely trust resolutions (5)
Dalby's case on timely trust resolutions (4)
Dalby's case on timely trust resolutions (3)
Dalby's case on timely trust resolutions (2)
Dalby's case on timely trust resolutions (1)
Reid's case on work-related expense claims (7)
Reid's case on work-related expense claims (6)
Reid's case on work-related expense claims (5)
Reid's case on work-related expense claims (4)
Reid's case on work-related expense claims (3)
Reid's case on work-related expense claims (2)
Reid's case on work-related expense claims (1)
New ruling on WRE claims
Tax agents and work-related expense
Topics on active assets classification (8)
Topics on active assets classification (7)
Topics on active assets classification (6)
Topics on active assets classification (5)
Topics on active assets classification (4)
Topics on active assets classification (3)
Topics on active assets classification (2)
Topics on active assets classification
Tax treatment on disposal of rental property: Post-cessation interest (3)
Tax treatment on disposal of rental property: Post-cessation interest (2)
Tax Treatment on disposal of rental property: Post-cessation interest (1)
Tax Treatment to and during construction of rental property
Residential premises rule for vacant land
Denied deductions for cost holding a vacant land
'Vacant Land' Considerations
Trading Stocks
Tax consequences in trading stock
Starting and ceasing to hold property as trading stock
Profit-sharing agreements
Tax Treatment of Joint Venture
Partitioning a land without a capital gain
Fresh entity for property development
Preferred structure for property developments
Tax structure for undertaking property developments
Tax Rates for WHM
Working Holiday Makers
Holding costs for Vacant Land
Taxation Determination
Exceptions to the CDF rules
Commercial Debt Forgiveness (CDF) Rules
Lump sum payments
Deductibility between home and a transit point
Deductibility on alternative work location
Deductibility for travel expenses - Other exceptions
Changes in regular workplaces
Geographically distant work places
Deductibility on home and travel expenses
Scenarios for employee's travel expenses deductions
Entitles of an employee to deductions
Deductibility of employee's travel expenses
Primary producer and Exceptional circumstances exceptions
Extension on business purposes for vacant lands
Vacant land used for business purposes
Structure to be considered ‘in use or available for use'
Structures to be considered on vacant lands
New Vacant Land Rule
Division7A - Case Background (5)
Division7A - Case Background (4)
Division7A - Case Background (3)
Division 7A - Case Background (2)
Division 7A - Case Background (1)
Division7A on loans
Division7A on dividend to Shareholders
Employee and Independent contractor Key Factors
Common Law Employee
Employees and Independent Contractors
Medicare Levy
Other PSI tests
Result test for PSI
PSI on Taxpayers
SG Penalties for Employers
Benefits from SG Amnesty
Eligibility for SG Amnesty
Superannuation Consequences
Employer's Obligation
Tax Treatment for Joint Venture
Tax Structure for Property Development
Cost of land held as trading stock
Trading stock value for land
Calculating the Net Profit
Long-term sale of properties
Treatment on the sale of a subdivided backyard
Classification on Land Subdivisions
Capital Asset
Taxpayer on Profit-making scheme
Profit Making Scheme
Property Development Business
Interest for Rental Properties
CGT on purchased house by the estate
Input tax credit
Lease Agreement and Inducement Payment
Purchase of Investment Property
Purchase of Commercial Property
Property Easement
GST on Food and Beverages
CGT on Share Sales
Selling of Commercial Property
GST for the Sale of Farmland
GST for the Workcover
Small Business Tax Offset and Beneficiary of Trust
Lease Incentive Payments
Demolition of Property
Entities to be included in Family Trust
Excluded Entity in Family Trust
Family Trust Election
Subdividing the Land
Deceased Estate and Capital Gain Tax
Renovation Expense Incurred due to Environmental Concerns
Tax Shortfall Penalties
Fringe Benefits Tax and Payment to Associates
GST Registration Threshold and Exports
Same Business Test
Continuity of Ownership Test
Tax Losses and Franking Offsets
Employment Termination Payment
Cash Shortage Paid by Employees
Professional Ethics
Repurchase Asset Immediately After The Sale
General Interest Charge and Penalty
GST and Supply Provided as a Gift
Lodgement of Returns
Taxable Income and Liability Calculation (Case 3)
Royalty (Case 2)
PAYG Tax Instalments Calculation
Taxable Income, Tax Refundable and Payable Calculation (Case 2)
Rental Income Received from Airbnb
Taxable Income, Tax Refundable and Payable Calculation
Disaster Relief Payments
Small Business and Family Trust
Income from Illegal Activities
Sale of Property and GST
Working As a YouTuber
Trading Stock Definition
Compensation Received from Breach of Business Agreement
Trust with a Capital Loss
International Trading and GST
Sale of Former Main Residence Property
The Use of Motor Vehicle in Business and Private Purposes
Costs of Working Dog
GST and Cash Basis
Deceased Beneficiary and Deceased Estate
Consulting Service Received from Foreign Firm
Legal Fees for Completing Due Diligence Process
Selling Investment Property
Services Provided to Foreign Firms
Deceased Estate and Testamentary Trust
Selling Farmland
Selling Overseas Property
Royalty Payment
Self-Education Expenses From Fee-Help
GST in Workcover Collected
Spreading Donation or Gift Deduction
Legal Expenses Incurred in Processing Superannuation Payment
Selling Drinks in a Cafe
Expenses related to Work Clothing
Transferring Motor Vehicle out of Business
Claiming Deductions Against Interest Received
Cash Prize Received from a Competition
Sale of Commercial Property in SMSF
Car Financing and Interest Expense
Expenses Incurred to Keep the Business Running
Incorrect Wage and Settlement Amount Received
Sale of Shares
Meal Expenses Incurred in Work
The Use of Self-Storage Facility
Franchise Fee was not Refunded
Carrying Forward Losses in Company
Capital Gain Tax and Mortgage
Small Business in a Group
Renting Out a Cottage related to Commercial Property
Treating Scrapped Assets
GST-Free Supply and Going Concern
Income Generated from Driving Uber
Sale of Property by Foreign Resident
Sales Of Shares In Partnership
Dividend Access Share
Calculate GST Using The Margin Scheme & Treatment In Profit And Loss
Fuel Tax Credits
Fringe Benefits Tax Exemption
Hiring Cars For Employees
Blackhole Expenditures
Sale Of "Composite Assets"
Sale Of Inherited Property
Selling Residential Properties
Boat Purchased Overseas
GST-Free Supply In Farming Business
Termination Of Commercial Lease
Leasing Company Owned Property To Shareholders
Capital Gain Tax For Pre-CGT Asset
Depreciation Rules For Small Business
PAYG Tax And Superannuation For Non-Executive Directors
Car Fringe Benefits To A Subcontractor
From Discretionary Trust To A Unit Trust
Salary Sacrifice and FBT
Capital Expenditure & Agreement
Distributable Surplus Calculation
GST in Sale of Commercial Property
Depreciation for Shipping Container
GST in Commission Received Overseas
CGT in Assets Gifted to Company
Going Concern Exemption
Tax Concession in Capital Gain Tax
Asset Capitalisation
Income From Deceased Estate
Small Business Concessions
Home to Work Travel by Air
Motor Vehicle Loan Costs
GST From Stock Transferred
Option Fee
GST Credits for Sole Trader
Personal Service Income
Trust Dividend
Joint Venture and GST Between Companies
Sale of dwelling and GST
Travel Expense Deduction – Not Itinerant Work
Travel Expense Deduction - Itinerant work
Low and Middle Income Tax Offset
Work-related Self-education Expenses
Capital Gain Tax Calculation
GST for the Transfer of Business Vehicle